It’s not abnormal for people to wonder, where is God? Maybe life isn’t turning out the way you hoped. You’ve lost a job or a loved one or your sense of purpose. And this causes us to feel alone, or at least very distant from God. If you feel distant from God, it begs the question, who moved? It turns out, God is already present.
In Psalm 139, the psalmist says:
“Where can I go from your spirit?
Or where can I flee from your presence?
If I ascend to heaven, you are there;
if I make my bed in Sheol, you are there.
If I take the wings of the morning
and settle at the farthest limits of the sea,
even there your hand shall lead me,
and your right hand shall hold me fast.
So whether or not we feel or experience God’s presence with us is not determined by God, but determined by us.”

Why is it important for us to recognize God’s presence? For starters, it leads to a richer, fuller life. Conversely, failure to recognize God’s presence leaves us restless, distracted and dull. Here are five practices to increase awareness of God’s presence:
1. Take time each hour to give God some thought. Offer Him your consciousness for just a few minutes throughout the day.
2. Reserve an empty chair in your room for Jesus. Imagine him sitting with you as you work or read or visit with someone.
3. Memorize Scripture. By holding God’s word close to your heart, you will feel His presence.
4. Imaginative prayer. Pick a passage from the gospels and place yourself in the story. What do your senses (sight, smell, sound, taste, and feel) detect?
5. Practice “beauty-spotting.” Pay attention to the beauty the surrounds you.

Key verses include Psalm 139, Psalm 16:8.

Related episodes:
1. Guilt versus Shame
2. Blessed
3. God’s Joyous Being
4. Wired for Worship
5. Source of Life