Apprentice Gathering

Frequently Asked Questions

What is The Apprentice Gathering (TAG)?
TAG is a 3-day conference designed for individuals longing to deepen their personal journey into Christ-likeness. It is held on the Friends University campus in Wichita, KS
What is the address of Friends University?
Friends University is located at 2100 West University Ave, Wichita, KS 67213.
Does TAG 2024 have a theme?

This year, the conference theme is Glory, Grace, and Truth.

What is the conference program?

The conference has four main components: pre-conference intensive sessions, all-conference ‘A Talks’, small group workshops, and a casual Friday night event.

1. Preconference Intensive Sessions

Half-day, small group intensive sessions are held on Thursday from 9:00-12:00 and 1:30-4:30, with 90 minutes for lunch. Attendees are invited to select two topics of interest. Because not everyone is available to attend the all-day intensive, it is an add-on to the general registration and enrollment is capped at a specific number to allow for participant interaction.


2. All-Conference A-Talks

Throughout the gathering, a diverse presenter line-up, including Heather Thompson-Day, Emily P. Freeman, Brian Zahnd, Ken Shigematsu, and Skye Jethani, will present plenary talks designed to inform and challenge attendees in the area of Christian Spiritual Formation. Seasoned worship leaders will start each plenary session, helping participants prepare their hearts and minds to hear each message. Each talk is followed by a Q&A conducted by James Bryan Smith. The A-Talks are held in Davis Hall’s 3rd-floor Alumni Auditorium.


3. Friday Workshops

General conference registration includes two (2) Friday workshops held in the afternoon. These 75-minute sessions allow for smaller group, interactive sessions with the presenters. Attendees register for desired workshops on a first-come basis, and sessions are capped to ensure that informal participation can occur.

· Workshop #1 Time-2:00-3:15 pm;

· Workshop #2 Time- 3:45-5:00 pm.


4. Friday Night Fun, Food, and Fellowship-2024 Style!

From 5:30 to 6:45 p.m., attendees are invited to an informal gathering on Friday evening at Rose Window Plaza, located outside Davis Hall. Sandwich boxes will be available for purchase, and authors will mingle with attendees while signing books. (Sandwich Boxes cannot be purchased at the event, they must be purchased online before the event).

Purchase Sandwich Boxes Here

Tables/chairs and quilts will be scattered throughout the lawn for this casual event, providing the opportunity to connect with each other.

From 7:00 to 7:45 p.m., Jim Smith will lead a panel discussion with the five A-Talk speakers in the Alumni Auditorium.

Where do attendees typically stay while attending the conference?
The official conference hotel is the historic Drury in downtown Wichita. Located just 5 minutes from campus, the hotel offers a complementary hot breakfast and an evening social hour included in the negotiated room rate. We have also established a group rate at the Hilton Homes2 Suites, located in downtown Wichita just across the river from the Drury. This hotel offers a free breakfast and various suite type rooms, each equipped with full-size refrigerators and microwaves. Complementary shuttles will be available to transport attendees to/from both hotels and Friends University.
If I drive, where should I park at the university?
There are parking lots and street parking surrounding the campus. Parking is free, and no permits are required.
Where do I go when I arrive on campus?
If you are registered to attend preconference intensives on Thursday, come to the Business & Technology Building on the north-east side of the campus. (It is the Corner of Hiram and Maple). Volunteers will be there to check you in and help you find your session.

If you are coming as a ‘general registration participant’, you will go directly to the limestone clock tower building known as Davis Hall. It is in the middle of campus. There is an elevator on the north side of the building, or you can climb the steps in front. Volunteers will be on second (2nd) floor to check you in. Doors to the Alumni Auditorium on 3rd floor will be unlocked at 6:30, and the opening session will start at 7:00 Thursday evening.

What if I forget what intensive or workshop sessions I chose?
When you sign-in at the registration table, you will be provided a name tag that will have your session choices and room locations printed on the front. Volunteers will be available to assist you in finding the location of your session.
What is the dress code?
As on most university campuses, the dress is casual/comfortable. Anyone who has experienced Kansas weather knows that it can change on a dime. If you tend to get chilly in air-conditioned spaces, you may want to tuck in a sweater or a jacket.