The Things Above podcast is a podcast for “mind discipleship.” It is for those who want to set their minds on “things above” (Col. 3:2). Each week James Bryan Smith will offer a glorious thought—something good and beautiful and true, something excellent and praiseworthy—to fill your mind with heavenly truths. Donate Here!



James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is, "Solitude is the furnace of the soul." In this episode, James talks about temptation and how we can deal with it through the practice of solitude. Interested in donating to the Things Above Podcast? Donate here!...

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Trusting and Training

Trusting and Training

In this episode, James Bryan Smith's thought from above is, "quit trying, start trusting, and begin training." Smith explains why we need to quit relying on our efforts to live a Christian life and start trusting in the grace of Jesus to help us live out our faith....

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Conversation with Alison Cook

Conversation with Alison Cook

James Bryan Smith has a Things Above conversation with author, Alison Cook on her latest book, Boundaries for Your Soul: How to Turn Your Overwhelming Thoughts and Feelings into Your Greatest Allies. Boundaries for Your Soul includes relatable anecdotes, helpful...

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Two Kinds of Faith

Two Kinds of Faith

James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is, "We need two kinds of faith." In this episode, Smith talks about the two kinds of faith we need to have as defined by the author C.S. Lewis. Interested in donating to the Things Above Podcast? Donate here! Learn...

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Michael Cusick Sacred Attachment

Michael Cusick Sacred Attachment

James Bryan Smith has a Things Above Conversation with author Michael J. Cusick about his book, Sacred Attachment. Michael will be a plenary speaker at The Apprentice Gathering 2025, register here! Michael John Cusick voices the questions and contradictions that are...

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All Things New

All Things New

In this episode, James Bryan Smith's thought from above is, "Jesus makes all things new." To help explain his thought from above, James references the book "On the Incarnation" by Athanasius of Alexandria. Interested in donating to the Things Above Podcast? Donate...

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Know Your Name

Know Your Name

In this episode, James Bryan Smith's thought from above is, "Do you know your name?" James's thought from above comes from one of the unspoken sermons by George MacDonald. Interested in donating to the Things Above Podcast? Donate here! Learn more about the Christian...

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Conversation with Matt Johnson Part Two

Conversation with Matt Johnson Part Two

Matt Johnson returns for part two of the conversation with James Bryan Smith. In this episode, Smith and Johnson continue their conversation about the research on spiritual growth. Interested in donating to the Things Above Podcast? Donate here! Learn more about the...

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Conversation with Matt Johnson

Conversation with Matt Johnson

James Bryan Smith has a Things Above conversation with spiritual director and friend Matt Johnson. James and Matt have a conversation about the research they are conducting together about what happens to people who experience significant spiritual growth. In this...

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James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is, "Take your gratitude to the next level." In this episode, James gives us two practices we can do to give thanks to God. Smith explains both practices in detail and gives examples of how we can do them. Interested in...

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Let Nothing Disturb You

Let Nothing Disturb You

James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is, "Let nothing disturb you." In this episode, Smith recites a prayer from St. Teresa of Avila. James goes through the prayer and explains what we can learn from the prayer in order to help us not be disturbed by...

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Talk With God

Talk With God

James Bryan Smith's thought from above in this episode is, "God wants to talk with you." Following up from his previous episode, Smith talks about how we can talk with God when we pray. Smith gives some examples from the Lord's prayer and Psalm twenty-three to help...

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Talk to God

Talk to God

James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is, "God wants you to talk to him." In this episode, James discusses the Lord's Prayer. Smith explains how he uses the prayer, goes through each verse, and discusses the importance of each verse. Listen here or anywhere...

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Gentle and Mighty

Gentle and Mighty

James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is, "Jesus is gentle and he is mighty, he is good, but he isn't safe." In this episode, Smith talks about how Jesus is the lamb of God and also the lion of Judah. James explains how Jesus is gentle and mighty, how he...

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Different with Jesus

Different with Jesus

James Bryan Smith's thought from above in this episode is, "There will be suffering in life, but it is different with Jesus." In this episode, James talks about how we all experience suffering in our lives, but we experience it differently when we are apprentices of...

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Walking with Jesus

Walking with Jesus

James Bryan Smith's thought from above in this episode is, "Walking with Jesus is the greatest of all adventures." Smith starts the episode by talking about the day he chose to give his life to Jesus. He then talks about how we all can join in on the greatest of all...

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Weight of Glory

Weight of Glory

James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is, "Are you preparing for your weight of glory?" In this episode, James discusses the essay by C.S. Lewis, "The Weight of Glory." Smith uses verses 16 through 18 from 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 to help explain his...

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Conversation with Ken Shigematsu

Conversation with Ken Shigematsu

James Bryan Smith has a Things Above conversation with author Ken Shigematsu about his book, "Now I Become Myself." Drawing on a rich variety of personal experience, Scripture, spiritual formation classics, psychology, and relational neuroscience; award-winning author...

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Glorious Morning and Evening Part Two

Glorious Morning and Evening Part Two

James Bryan Smith’s thought from above this week is, “Have a glorious morning and evening.” This is the second part of the two-part episode. Smith discusses the spiritual practice of examen. He expands on this practice and talks about a time in his life when it came...

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Glorious Morning and Evening Part One

Glorious Morning and Evening Part One

James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is, "Have a glorious morning and evening." In this two-part episode, Smith discusses his spiritual practice, "the two-minute morning." He expands on this practice and gives more insight into how it can be helpful and...

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The End In Mind

The End In Mind

In this episode, James Bryan Smith's thought from above is, "Begin with the end in mind." Smith explains his thought from above by talking about his two mentors John Wesley and Dallas Willard. James illustrates his thought from above with a story about a friend and...

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Open Hand

Open Hand

James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is, "Live life with an open hand." In this episode, Smith discusses one of his favorite prayers, "The Serenity Prayer." James talks about the meaning behind prayer and how we can use it in our time with God. The...

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Conversation with AJ Swoboda Part Three

Conversation with AJ Swoboda Part Three

James Bryan Smith has a Things Above Conversation with author A.J. Swoboda about his book, The Gift of Thorns. Today's follower of Jesus exists at a moment in history when our desires, longings, and wants are being weaponized against us by cultural, spiritual, and...

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Our Greatest Opportunity

Our Greatest Opportunity

James Bryan Smith asks, what is the greatest opportunity you have ever been given? In this episode, James explores this question and explains that our greatest opportunity is to follow Jesus. Smith explains that we have been invited to a relationship with Jesus and...

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Conversation with Brian Zahnd Part Three

Conversation with Brian Zahnd Part Three

James Bryan Smith has a Things Above conversation with author Brian Zahnd about his book, "The Wood Between the Worlds." Everything about the gospel message leads to the cross, and proceeds from the cross. In fact, within the narrative of Scripture, the crucifixion of...

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Two Minute Morning

Two Minute Morning

James Bryan Smith gives his second spiritual practice for 2024, called the two-minute morning. In this episode, James explains how to do this practice and why he feels it helps him set his mind on Things Above. Interested in donating to the Things Above Podcast?...

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Grieving with Hope

Grieving with Hope

In this episode, James Bryan Smith talks about how we can experience grieving with hope. James opens the episode by talking about what he considers to be his favorite book that he has written, Room of Marvels. Smith reads the foreword of Room of Marvels, written by...

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Breath Prayer

Breath Prayer

James Bryan Smith starts the new year with an episode about a spiritual discipline he enjoys called breath prayer. In this episode, James explains what breath prayer is, and gives several examples of how to practice the soul training exercise yourself. Interested in...

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Conversation with Farrell Mason

Conversation with Farrell Mason

James Bryan Smith has a Things Above conversation with author Farrell Mason on her latest book, "Soulfull: A Weekly Devotional to Nourish the Mind, Body, and Spirit" Farrell Mason speaks to the universal human experience: navigating relationships, coping with change,...

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Glory, Grace and Truth

Glory, Grace and Truth

James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is, "Jesus is God's Glory, Grace and Truth." This is the 4th episode of the series of episodes on the longings of our soul. In this episode, James explains the connection between beauty, goodness, and truth and how they...

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Our Soul & Relationships

Our Soul & Relationships

James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is, "Our souls long for relationships." Over the last three episodes, James has been discussing the longings of our souls. In this episode, Smith talks about five of the final ten longings of our soul. Interested in...

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Conversation with Casey Tygrett Part Three

Conversation with Casey Tygrett Part Three

James Bryan Smith has a Things Above conversation with author and spiritual director Casey Tygrett. James and Casey discuss Casey's latest book, "The Gift of Restlessness."  Casey emphasizes that restlessness is a sign that we must move up, move on, or move out....

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Longing To Be Loved

Longing To Be Loved

In this episode, James Bryan Smith's thought from above is, "We all long to be loved." Smith picks up where he left off the last episode, talking about the longings of our souls. In this episode, James talks about three more longings of our souls: the need to be...

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Spirituality & Longings

Spirituality & Longings

James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is "Your spirituality is what you do with your longings." Smith is starting a four-part-episode series about spirituality and our souls. In this episode, James examines the relationship between our spirituality and the...

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Conversation with Jeff Crosby

Conversation with Jeff Crosby

James Bryan Smith has a Things Above conversation with author and publisher Jeff Crosby. James and Jeff discuss Jeff's book, "The Language of the Soul: Meeting God in the Longings of Our Hearts." For over fifteen years, writer Jeff Crosby has been searching for a...

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The Turn

The Turn

James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is, "Everything turns on the turn." In this episode, James explains the meaning behind this thought from above, which he learned from Ann Voskamp. He talks about the three ways we turn when faced with difficult...

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Greatest Treasure

Greatest Treasure

James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is, "Christ is your greatest treasure." Following up on his first two episodes of season six, James continues to explain what it means to live a good life. In this episode, Smith talks about six areas of our life that...

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Conversation with Ann Voskamp

Conversation with Ann Voskamp

James Bryan Smith has a Things Above Conversation with author Ann Voskamp about her book, "Waymaker: Finding the Way to the Life You've Always Dreamed Of." Ann Voskamp is a Canadian author, blogger, and memoirist on themes of Christian women's spirituality and the...

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The Emotional Life

The Emotional Life

In this episode, James Bryan Smith's thought from above is, "The good life is a deep, passionate, and emotional life." Following up on the previous episode about the good life, Smith talks about the importance of our emotions concerning living the good life. James...

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The Good Life

The Good Life

In this episode, James Bryan Smith's thought from above is, "The good life is the obedient life." Smith begins the episode by discussing a class he teaches at Friends University called The Good Life. In the class, he asked his students about the age-old question, what...

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Conversation with Ruth Haley Barton

Conversation with Ruth Haley Barton

James Bryan Smith has a Things Above conversation with Ruth Haley Barton. In this episode, James and Ruth discuss her book, "Embracing Rhythms of Work and Rest: From Sabbath to Sabbatical and Back Again" In her book, Ruth offers hard-won wisdom and practical steps for...

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Abba Experience

Abba Experience

James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is, "You can have an Abba experience." Smith opens the episode with the question, what is the one thing you think God most wants for you? He gives a few different answers to his question but ultimately says that what...

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We Need The Church

We Need The Church

James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is, "we need the church." In this episode, James talks about the impact of attending church and why we need it. To help illustrate his thought from above, Smith references two songs written by Rich Mullins; "Sometimes...

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Conversation with Trevor Hudson

Conversation with Trevor Hudson

James Bryan Smith has a Things Above Conversation with long-time friend and author Trevor Hudson. In this episode, James asks Trevor questions about his upcoming book, "Seeking God-Finding Another Kind of Life with St Ignatius and Dallas Willard." Trevor is the author...

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Perfect Peace

Perfect Peace

James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is, "your portion is perfect peace." In this episode, James talks about times when we struggle with our faith and what we can do during those times. Smith recalls a song that helps to explain his thought from above...

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Doubting Thomas

Doubting Thomas

James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is, "Our doubts do not trouble Jesus." In this episode, James talks about the disciple known as "Doubting Thomas," and explains why we should not think of Thomas in a negative way. Interested in donating to the Things...

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King & Kingdom

King & Kingdom

James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is, "As is the king, so is the kingdom." In this episode, James talks about Holy Week, how Jesus came to defeat death for good, and a leader's impact on their followers. Interested in donating to the Things Above...

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Trust Without Reservation

Trust Without Reservation

James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is, "faith is trust without reservation." In this episode, James explains that faith is an extension of knowledge based on knowledge. Smith illustrates his thought from above by referencing Moses's story and struggles....

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Rhythms of Grace

Rhythms of Grace

James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is, "learn the unforced rhythms of grace." In this episode, James discusses four questions that Dallas Willard says all humans must ask and should answer. The first question is, what is real? The second question is, who...

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Conversation with Richard Foster

Conversation with Richard Foster

James Bryan Smith has a Things Above conversation with Richard Foster. James and Richard have been good friends for over 40 years. In this episode, James talks with Richard about his latest book, "Learning Humility." Brenda Quinn joined Richard for this conversation...

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God is Glorious

God is Glorious

James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is God is Glorious. In this episode, James talks about a recent challenge he gave himself. Interested in donating to the Things Above Podcast? Donate here! Learn more about the Christian Spiritual Formation degree...

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Magnificent Mission

Magnificent Mission

James Bryan Smith's thought from above in this episode is, we are all on a magnificent mission. This week James discusses what Dallas Willard calls the "Great Ommission" and the Great "Commission." In this episode, James explains how we are all called to be...

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Conversation with AJ Swoboda Part Two

Conversation with AJ Swoboda Part Two

James Bryan Smith has a second Things Above conversation with AJ Swoboda. James interviews AJ on his latest book, "After Doubt." Learn more about AJ on his website here! Interested in donating to the Things Above Podcast? Donate here! Learn more about the Christian...

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With God Life

With God Life

James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is, "the kingdom of God is the with-God life." James opens the episode with a story about a time he was a teaching assistant for Dallas Willard. Dallas asked the class the question, what is the gospel? In the episode,...

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The Best Gift

The Best Gift

James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is, "Give the best gift you can give." In light of the advent season, Smith gives us an example of the best gift we can give someone. James says the best we can give is not something money can buy. To help explain his...

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You are Called

You are Called

James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is, "you are called." In this episode, James talks about vocational calling and its impact on our life. Many have felt they are called to a specific job, while others may have never felt that calling. Smith explains how...

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Sacred Story

Sacred Story

James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is, "you have a sacred story." In this episode, James explains how we all have an origin story that has shaped us into the person we are today. In our origin story, we encounter trauma, and Smith explains the difference...

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Conversation with James Bryan Smith

Conversation with James Bryan Smith

In this episode, James Bryan Smith is interviewed by his friend Dr. Jeff Bjorck to ask James questions about his latest book, "The Good and Beautiful You." Dr. Bjorck is a licensed psychologist and a lifelong friend of James. Jeff helped Jim during the writing process...

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Made for God

Made for God

James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is, "you are made for God." James begins the episode explaining why we have a longing for the "more than." To help explain his thought from above, Smith gives two examples from his life where he experienced the...

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James Bryan Smith's thought from above this episode is; you are God's masterpiece. Following his last episode, Smith talks about our significance to God. Smith continues to expose the false narratives we have about God and counters them with his thought from above...

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You Are Significant

You Are Significant

James Bryan Smith's thought from above in this episode is, "you are significant." Smith explains how many of us struggle with the narrative that we are not enough. To help illustrate his thought from above, James tells us two stories that show us why we are more than...

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Jesus is the Answer

Jesus is the Answer

James Bryan Smith's thought from above in this episode is; Jesus is the answer. Smith opens the episode with a couple of questions that many people have about God. The first question is, does God really love me? The second question is, what is God like? James explains...

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Conversation with Gem Fadling

Conversation with Gem Fadling

James Bryan Smith has a Things Above Conversation with Gem Fadling. In This episode, James and Gem discuss her latest book, "Hold That Thought: Sorting Through the Voices in Our Heads." Gem Fadling, CLC, is a founding partner of Unhurried Living, Inc., a non-profit...

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Conversation with Curt Thompson Part Two

Conversation with Curt Thompson Part Two

Curt Thompson M.D. is back for part two of his Things Above conversation with James Bryan Smith. In this episode, James asks Curt questions regarding his books, "The Soul of Desire" and "The Soul of Shame." Psychiatrist, speaker, and author Curt Thompson connects our...

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In episode two of season five, James Bryan Smith opens the episode with Colossians 2:6. A key word in this verse is "walk" Smith explains what Paul means in this verse through a story from his high school track team. James closes the episode with 10 things about who...

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Season five of the Things Above podcast has arrived! To start off the new season James Bryan Smith shares a story to explain how God doesn't call the qualified but rather God qualifies the called. Smith closes the episode by explaining how grace is opposed to earning...

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In this episode, James Bryan Smith's thought from above is, "You must live the exchanged life." Smith opens the episode by telling us that we are all saints. He goes on to explain how we are saints and how we can live into that identity each day. James closes the...

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Conversation with Angela Gorrell

Conversation with Angela Gorrell

James Bryan Smith has a Things Above conversation with Angela Gorrell about her latest book, "The Gravity of Joy." Dr. Angela Williams Gorrell joined Baylor's George W. Truett Theological Seminary in Fall 2019 as Assistant Professor of Practical Theology. Prior to...

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James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is, "You are dedicated." In this episode, James recounts a story in which he was fasting to help explain his thought from above. Smith closes the episode by telling us we are saints and we have been made holy. We are...

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In this episode, James Bryan Smith thought from above is, "there are benefits to doubt." Smith gives us three reasons to explain why there are benefits to doubt in our faith. The first reason is doubt allows you to make your faith truly yours. The second benefit is...

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Conversation with Amy Bragg Carey

Conversation with Amy Bragg Carey

James Bryan Smith has a Things Above conversation with Dr. Amy Bragg Carey. Amy is the fourteenth president of Friends University and is currently in her seventh year as president. She previously served as vice president for institutional advancement at the University...

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Jesus Is Lord

Jesus Is Lord

James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is, Jesus is Lord. Smith opens the episode with a reading of Colossians chapter three to help illustrate his thought from above. To close the episode, James reads a passage from Dr. Scot McKnights commentary on...

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Gift Love

Gift Love

James Bryan Smith talks about two kinds of love, "gift love" and "need love." In this episode Smith's thought from above is, to love one another just as Jesus has loved us. "Need Love", is a kind of longing love much like romantic love. "Gift Love" is God's love, it...

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Conversation with Michael Wise

Conversation with Michael Wise

James Bryan Smith has a Things Above conversation with Dr. Michael Wise. Michael Wise is an internationally recognized expert on the Dead Sea Scrolls. He frequently lectures on the Dead Sea Scrolls from coast to coast. Dr. Wise is ordained as a minister in the...

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James Bryan Smith's thought from above comes from Saint John of Kronstadt. In this episode, James reads an excerpt from the writings of Saint John of Kronstadt. Smith uses this passage to help us look for traces of mercy. Interested in donating to the Things Above...

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James Bryan Smith's thought from above in this episode is, don't trifle with our God. Smith recounts a story where Dallas Willard asked him a question that he could not answer. The question was, does God ever let us get away with anything? James goes on to explain why...

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Conversation with Marlena Graves

Conversation with Marlena Graves

James Bryan Smith has a Things Above conversation with author and speaker Marlena Graves. James asks Marlena about her latest book, "The Way Up Is Down" and why she wrote the book. Marlena is a writer, deep thinker, and speaker who is passionate about the eternal...

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Both And

Both And

James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is; The way of Jesus is Both And." In this episode, James tells a story about his one message, the grace of God. To help explain his thought from above, Jim states that grace is God's action in our lives. Smith gives...

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Authentic Change

Authentic Change

In this episode, James Bryan Smith tells us how we can experience an authentic change in our spiritual life. He begins the episode with a quote from 2nd Corinthians chapter three verse eighteen. Smith uses this verse to help explain how we are able to see the glory of...

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Conversation with Brian Zahnd Part 2

Conversation with Brian Zahnd Part 2

James Bryan Smith has a Things Above conversation with Brian Zahnd. Jim and Brian talk about his latest book, "When Everything's on Fire." Jim asks Brian why he wrote this book and both discuss the impact of secularism in society today. James asks Brian a series of...

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Everything is a Gift

Everything is a Gift

James Bryan Smith's thought from above in this episode is, "everything is a gift." To help illustrate his thought from above, Smith tells the story of Alexander Hamilton. James goes on to further explain his thought from above with a passage from Will Smith's memoir....

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James Bryan Smith's thought from above in this episode is, "can I be a witness?" Smith gets his thought from above from a book he read by his friend Angela Gorrell. In the book, Angela explains two important ideas about helping others grieve the loss of a loved one....

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Conversation with Curt Thompson

Conversation with Curt Thompson

James Bryan Smith has a Things Above conversation with Curt Thompson about his latest book "The Soul of Desire." Curt Thompson MD, is a psychiatrist, speaker, and author. Inspired by deep compassion for others and informed from a Christian perspective, Curt shares...

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God Can

God Can

James Bryan Smith's thought from above is, "God can." Smith learned this from his late great teacher, Ray Anderson while in seminary. In this episode, James explains his thought from above in greater detail. To help explain his thought from above he adds on a few more...

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God is on Your Side

God is on Your Side

James Bryan Smith's thought from above in this episode is, "God is on your side." Smith starts off the episode with a story about Eugene Peterson and his son. James continues the episode with another story about his friend Trevor. Both of these stories help explain...

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The Soul Knows Best

The Soul Knows Best

The thought from above in this episode is, "the soul knows best." James Bryan Smith opens this episode with Psalm 25 to help explain his thought from above. Throughout the episode, Smith gives us definitions of the soul versus the self. To conclude the episode, James...

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Kingdom Abundance

Kingdom Abundance

The thought from above in this episode is, kingdom obedience brings kingdom abundance. James Bryan Smith explains how we can have kingdom abundance through kingdom obedience. Smith gives us his definition of grace, which is God's action in our lives. James gives us...

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Conversation with Dr. Jeff Bjorck

Conversation with Dr. Jeff Bjorck

James Bryan Smith has a Things Above conversation with Dr. Jeff Bjorck. Dr. Bjorck is a pianist, composer, and arranger with six solo piano albums to his credit. In addition, he is also a clinical psychologist and professor of psychology. In this episode, James and...

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Create A Vision For Life

Create A Vision For Life

James Bryan Smith's thought from above in this episode is, "create a vision for life." Smith's thought from above comes his mentor Dallas Willard. Dallas taught Jim about many things but one of the most important was his teaching on creating a vision for your life....

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Leaps with Faith

Leaps with Faith

In this episode James Bryan Smith's thought from above is, "take leaps with faith." In this episode James defines faith as "an extension of knowledge based on knowledge." To help illustrate his thought from above, Smith tells the story of the beggar Bartimaeus....

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Conversation with Philip Yancey

Conversation with Philip Yancey

James Bryan Smith has a Things Above conversation with Philip Yancey. Philip is one of the best-selling contemporary Christian authors. In this episode, Jim interviews Philip on his memoir "Where the Light Fell." Jim and Philip discuss the book as well as the moments...

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Be Happy for God

Be Happy for God

In this episode, James Bryan Smith's thought from above is; be happy for God. Smith quotes from the book, "The Divine Conspiracy" by Dallas Willard to help explain his thought from above. James points out that we should seek out beauty in our everyday life. When we do...

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Look for the Glory

Look for the Glory

James Bryan Smith's thought from above this week is; Look for the Glory. Smith opens the episode with a story about a photograph he saw in Australia back in 2017. This photo reminded Jim of Psalm 119 and how it can help us to see the glory of God. James defines glory...

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Conversation with Sarah Clarkson

Conversation with Sarah Clarkson

James Bryan Smith has a Things Above conversation with author Sarah Clarkson. In this episode, James and Sarah discuss her book "This Beautiful Truth." In This Beautiful Truth, Sarah shares her own encounters with beauty in the midst of her decade-long struggle with...

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Know Your Enemy

Know Your Enemy

The thought from above in this episode is, know your enemy. James Bryan Smith explains how the enemy (the devil) tries to deceive us and what we can do to defend ourselves from him. Smith quotes from Ephesians 6:11-17 to talk about the armor of God. James talks about...

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Sin is Slop

Sin is Slop

The thought from above this week is, sin is slop. In this episode, James Bryan Smith gives us two ways to help us win the battle against sin. The first is to stay focused on God, and the second is to see sin for what it is. Smith uses the story of David and Bathsheeba...

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