You were made for beauty, goodness and truth. James Bryan Smith begins the episode talking about the three transcendentals; beauty, goodness and truth. Plato said, beauty is one of the transcendental forms because it stands above the actual form. They are higher forms and thus they help us to transcend ourselves when we encounter them.

In this universe there many things that are beautiful, Thomas Aquinas said “Beauty is that which when seen, pleases.” Smith goes on to say that, we are creatures made for beauty, it drives us like nothing else. If you break down any human endeavor it is because beauty is at its core. Or, as Dutch theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar likes to say, “one of beauty’s sisters, goodness or truth.”

James tells the story about his experience with a mechanic named Terry which helped him to notice the transcendentals in his daily life. “The transcendentals can be understood as essential forms of spiritual nutrition. Just as maintaining our physical health requires that we take in nutritious food and then use that energy through exercise, we likewise do well to take in spiritual energy of intrinsic value and then use this energy by bearing spiritual fruit of our own.” – Steve Macintosh

At the end of the episode, James asks listeners (you) to create a beauty journal. We would love to hear about what you put in your journals, leave us a comment below to let us know!

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