The incarnation of God is both a mysterious and wondrous event to ponder. In Episode 08 of the Things Above podcast, James Bryan Smith gives thought to Jesus Christ, who was fully divine and fully human. Have you ever noticed how little was written about Jesus’s childhood in Scripture? What was normal life like for Jesus growing up? What do you think Jesus was like as a kid?

Christian music artist Rich Mullins sang a song about these very questions. The mystery of the incarnation is at the heart our faith because, in becoming human in every way, Jesus can offer a full and perfect human life back to the Father. God desires to re-create humanity at the deepest levels, addressing our needs from within our being. Jesus became fully human, took on our humanity and declared it righteous, made it right with God and healed it.

Key verses in this episode include Luke 2:41-49 and Colossians 1:15. Note: Permission was given by the Rich Mullins estate to use the music in this podcast.

Lyrics to “Boy like me, Man like you

Related episodes:
1. Overcoming Temptation
2. Christ Plus Nothing Equals Everything
3. Your Identity is in the Invitation
4. Jesus Holds Everything Together
5. Spiritual Mirror