James Bryan Smith opens this episode with a story about the first church he served in as a youth pastor to help explain this thought from above. We are all different but we are one.

The church had just gone through a split due to a disagreement among the members. Smith asked his mentor, Dallas Willard for some advice on what to do during this time. Dallas said, “When we disagree it’s precisely not the time to divide. This is the time when we have the chance for God to do something great.”

James goes on to say that, when we disagree, if we can hang together, that’s when we really need to lean into God and see how He can make something marvelous out of that. To help further explain his point he shares a quote from Barry Corey. “The gospel calls us to both truth and love, this is the way of kindness, what I call a firm center soft edges. Kindness does not mean affirming each others choices, but it does mean listening to each others voices. You don’t have to see eye to eye, to work shoulder to shoulder.”

To close the episode James reiterates the thought from above. We are all different, but we are one in Christ. We can think differently, but the most important thing is that we have one thing in common, Christ, and that’s what holds us together.

Related episodes:
1. Divine Destiny
2. Faith shines best in Darkness
3. Qualifies the Called
4. Indebted to Hope
5. Beauty, Goodness and Truth